Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bat Guys...

 Moses, Henry, HW, Milo, Amira's 4th birthday party...

(Have pics from Mae's party, Harper's party and Leo's....stay tuned)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cooking with Henry and Elliebelly...

It's the story of a little boy named Henry and his little sister, Eleanor. Don't worry, we bought it.


 From Henry's teacher
Good Afternoon,
I hope everyone has a nice spring break with family and friends.  We've all earned some down time away from school.  We've wrapped up our dinosaur unit and when we return we will focus on signs of spring and start a weather unit that includes wind, rain, sunlight and shadows.  We will also continue with our daily journal writing.
We started writing in journals a couple of weeks ago.  We started talking about the journal writing process several weeks ago.  We talked about why we write in journals and how to write in journals.  Ms. Laura and I have regularly practice taking dictation to accompany their drawings and writings.   I encourage to your continue the journal writing  practice at home this week.  You might even want to consider starting a journal to keep at home on a regular basis for them. Also, if you yourself keep a daily journal, I encourage you to share that with your child.  Maybe you can both have journal writing time together. When used each day, children will get into the routine of filling out a journal page and can develop a sense of pride in the work they create. Using a journal also can help them develop creativity and language skills and encourage them to record their thoughts and emotions. 
When they do write in their journals we give them the freedom to write or draw whatever they want.  Afterwards, we let them share with us what they wrote.  We label drawings or write certain phrases specific to the meaning of the journal entry based on what they say about their work.  So far, they all seem to really enjoy this time in our day.  I sincerely hope you continue the practice at home.  Have a wonderful week together.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Photo speaks a thousand words...

Just saw this photo in the NYT right after a reading a brief and silly article in Time Magazine about how dumb it is to have kids. 

Happy Women's Day...

Just read this article and decided of all the wisdom I'd like to impart on my children, I think problem solving--not being defeated--is on the top of my list. 

There is always a way around a problem -- you've just got to find it. Keep trying doors, and one will eventually open.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Congratulations to Uncle Karl and Aunt Rachel....

....who are soon to be Daddy Karl and Mama Rachel.

Please welcome baby [Florida Evans*] Hoffman, who we just learned this morning is a girl! 

[J.J. Evans] Hoffman will just have to wait, I suppose.

I asked Henry what they should name her and he immediately suggested 'Shoema Manunu.'   That's how it sounded phonetically, anyway.  I think that might be better than Florida Evans, but only barely.

*for the record, Florida Evans was my suggestion.  A great one, I might add.  Sadly, I don't think anyone is taking me seriously.  Oh well.  And just to clarify, Esther Rolle would also be acceptable.